
Gifted & Talented

Over the past ten years, we have been actively expanding our program offerings for gifted and talented students, as well as for highly motivated students. For some of these programs, students must have achieved certain levels of academic accomplishment, in particular, strong GPAs, and may need teacher recommendations as well.

We have developed the following programs with highly motivated and/or gifted and talented students in mind:


9th & 10th Graders

  • A+ Summer High School
  • Astrophysics
  • College Admissions Prep Camp
  • Computer Programming  - C++
  • Mock Trial
  • Neuroanatomy 
  • Psychology
  • Public Speaking
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Robotics
  • Cardiology

    11th & 12th Graders

  • A+ Summer High School
  • Astrophysics
  • College Admissions Prep Camp
  • Computer Programming  - C++
  • Mock Trial
  • Neuroanatomy 
  • Psychology
  • Public Speaking
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Robotics

  • To make our programs uniquely effective, much more so than the standard 'survey course approach' to gifted education, we focus on single subjects. Focusing on a single subject replicates immersion style learning atmospheres, in which research indicates students learn most quickly and efficiently. Students who participate in immersion learning retain more of what they learn and get more enjoyment out of the learning process. 

    Immersion learning truly works: Immersion allows students to stay on task, and by necessarily focusing on a single subject and thus using the available class time more effectively, as little of the time spent is on settling down and shifting gears from a prior class. Immersion allows teachers to have the time to undertake any number of engaging hands-on projects and simulations to keep students engaged. Bringing gifted kids with similar interests together in the same program fosters a supportive community and a positive culture in which learning and being 'smart' are valued. Research indicates that this kind of supportive environment directly correlates with higher levels of accomplishment and achievement:

    "Immersion programs have been found to be the most effective [way to undertake the] study of foreign language in schools across the United States" 
    — Katie Kramer, University of Michigan

    Given our immersive single-subject focus and our client base of primarily gifted, talented, and motivated students and families, Education Unlimited® provides some of the most effective and challenging programs available. If you need help finding a best-fit program for you, please contact us to discuss the options!