
Neuroanatomy Summer Camp

In Neuroanatomy, students will learn the basic cell biology of a neuron and how neurons work together. Students will then apply that understanding to the anatomy and physiology of various systems in the brain in the context of fictitious neurological patients. Specifically, we will focus on the cerebral cortex, various subcortical structures, and the visual system. 

This course is interactive, uses videos and images and, most importantly, includes hands-on activities such as building model systems using Play-doh or Model Magic, dissecting a sheep brain, and engaging in lab activities and demos in order to explore neuroanatomy from a variety of viewpoints.

The culminating event on Friday will be case-studies presentations where students adopt the roles of neurologists, psychiatrists, and/or neuroradiologists to give a Grand Rounds-style presentation to the class focused on a particular patient.

Click the tabs below to learn more about this program.

Our courses are interactive, use videos and images and, most importantly, include hands-on activities such as building model systems using Play-doh or Model Magic, dissecting a sheep brain, and engaging in lab activities and demos in order to explore the neuroanatomy of the visual system, somatosensory systems, and the motor systems. Campers will get to research various local labs prior to the Wednesday field trip, which will include touring a neuroimaging facility and a neuroscience lab, guest lectures by the researchers in those labs, and several Q&A sessions. The culminating assessment will be a partner test on Friday where campers get to diagnose fictitious patients coming to a neurology clinic as well as predict symptoms of a person based on pictures of their brain or spinal cord radiographic images.

On the last day of camp, parents will rotate to various stations staffed by the campers to experience some of the activities and labs for themselves, and then be taught neuroanatomy by the campers. 

Minors: In addition to the "Major" activities, students participate in “Minor” labs that allow them to gain a breadth of scientific knowledge by exploring different scientific disciplines. These may include activities such as extracting the DNA of a strawberry or delving into forensic science with blood type analysis. 

Enrichment Activities: In addition to classtime, campers will be given the opportunity for informal science learning, as well as leadership and problem-solving training through workshops, experiments, guest speakers, and recreational activities.