
Anatomy/Physiology 4th-6th

Anatomy and Physiology scientists will be dissecting the wonders of the human body. In this camp, we will zoom into multiple body systems using interactive and kinesthetic laboratory explorations.  

Who is this camp for? Budding physicians and kids fascinated by health and the human in late-elementary or early middle school that want a fun, hands-on first experience with anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology.

Click the tabs below to learn more about this program.

Throughout the week, scientists will have opportunities to wonder, lead, and explore their curiosities of the human body.  Scientists will begin the week investigating the curvy, mushy, and aromatic digestive system. Understanding how the human body obtains the nutrients required for survival will provide the scientist with a foundation to explore the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems.  Using our bodies and creating models, we will discover how muscles function with the skeleton to make our bodies move and how the systems respond to injuries. Comparative anatomy explorations through the dissection of fetal pigs and cow eyes will provide scientists the opportunity to dig deeper into the relationship between the body systems.  Scientists will investigate the nervous system through the five senses and the tricks they can play on us. We will manipulate our taste buds, sniff out smells, identify blind spots, and use touch to investigate the unknown. We will learn the basics of microscopy and view the systems explored on a cellular level.

Scientists will be designing unique Anatomy Doll Models that will highlight and apply what is learned in each system by incorporating personal details.  Family and friends are invited to join us at the conclusion of the week for a showcase highlighting student explorations from the week.