Advanced Video Production Camp offers students entering grades 9 – 12 the unique opportunity to develop multimedia production skills including scripting for video, lighting, directing, shooting, editing and special effects.
This advanced camp is perfect for high schoolers who have at least some experience with digital filmmaking, as well as for those who have completed the basic Video Production camp and want to go further. The Advanced Video camp strives to challenge students to reach a new level of knowledge and technical skill, in a program that is carefully scheduled to maximize each student's progress.
Click the tabs below to learn more about this program.
**An online version of this course is not currently available. If you would be interested in taking an online version of this course should it be offered, please use this link to express your interest.**
Students are encouraged to come to the camp with a project in mind, and even with a script draft if possible. The instructors will provide professional advice and each small group will be guided by the teachers in workshopping their script into a piece that is ready for production.
A central goal of the program that students leave with a quality video trailer to illustrate the project and a practiced and well thought out "pitch" prepared for their project idea. Even students who come with minimal preparatory work can make significant progress, though the clearer the idea of what the filmmaker wants to create in the class, the better the final sample trailer and "pitch" can be. Preliminary projects completed in the camp will depend on the abilities, interest and follow through of the campers.
Our Advanced Camp participants will be using a professional quality camera that is often used to provide training for adult level video professionals.