
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to many of your most pressing questions below. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us via phone at (510) 548-6612 or via email at


How do I access the Parent Portal for enrolled families?

The Parent Portal is located at

Are the grade levels for your programs that are listed for the current school year or the year the student will be in the Fall?

We place the students by the grade that they will be entering after summer. So, a current 8th grader, would register for 9th grade programs.

Can my camper select a program that is a year older or younger?

Yes, with the approval of our Director of Admissions, parents can select a program that is one year younger or older than their camper's grade in school. Additional resources may be needed to support this placement such as a letter of recommendation or grade report from their current school. Please email to make this request.

Are the on-campus programs day camps or overnight camps?

With the exception of our programs at Caltech and some programs at MIT, all camp sessions offer both day and overnight camp options. At Caltech and the first week at MIT only day camp (9am to 5pm) options are available. Students participating in our overnight programs will live on-campus in the university residence halls. These are the same dormitories where the university students live during the year. While on campus, they will be supervised by the instructors and camp director that are working with the students during the day. For high school programs, about 90% of our students are overnight campers. For middle school about 75-80%% and for elementary about 65%

Do on campus students need to be vaccinated against COVID 19?

Education Unlimited will adhere to the policies and requirements of each host university.

  • As of May 1, 2023, COVID vaccine requirements have been lifted for UCLA, UC Berkeley, Stanford and Georgetown, making the COVID vaccine recommended but not mandatory at these campuses.

  • What happens if a university adds a vaccination requirement and I do not want to get vaccinated?

    Students enrolled in in-person programs at a university requiring vaccination, who cannot provide proof of vaccination 2-weeks prior to the start of their session will be unenrolled and will be given a camp credit to attend a future Education Unlimited program. Camp credit can be used to attend an Education Unlimited program at a different university, participate in one of our virtual/online summer programs or saved for a future summer.

    Should elementary and middle school day-campers come on Sunday?

    All day campers are invited (but not obligated) to check in on Sunday evening with the overnight campers and participate in camp orientation. The orientation happens just after the checkin window and will consist of a brief meeting with the parents to introduce the program, the program director and the staff. There will also be a very short tour of the main camp areas. The parents will then say good-bye for a bit and students are invited to stay for dinner and some get to know you games/activities with the overnight campers until 9pm. Dinner will be included for all day campers on Sunday at no additional charge. The curricular program will begin on Monday morning at 9am.

    Camps designed for rising 4th - 8th graders have two commuter options:
    Day Camper (4th - 8th grade camps): Day Campers will enjoy curriculum Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm. Meals are not provided with Day Camp Tuition -- campers can bring a sack lunch or can purchase our optional Lunch package (includes lunch in the dining hall Monday-Friday). Lunch packages are buffet style with the extended day and overnight campers and include several hot and cold lunch options and beverages.

    Extended Day Camper (4th - 8th grade camps): Extended Day Campers will enjoy curriculum and recreation Monday - Friday from 9am to 9pm, with lunch and dinner provided in the dining hall.

    Camps designed for rising 9th - 12th graders have one commuter option: Extended Day Camper Tuition (high school camps) covers curriculum and recreation from roughly 9am to 9pm each day (except check-in and check-out days), with lunch and dinner provided in the dining hall.

    Do you need a 3.0 GPA to apply for any of these summer camps?

    Some of our programs have competitive admission standards and require a minimum 3.0 GPA to ensure students will be able to keep up with the academic rigor of the program. Programs requiring a minimum 3.0 GPA are: Summer Focus at UC Berkeley, A+ Pre-College, A+ High School and the College Admission Prep Camps. After receipt of your initial application, you will receive a tentative confirmation asking you to reply with your child's grade report. Once received, you will receive your final confirmation.

    Is there a deadline to apply for your programs? When do camps fill up?

    We do not have a formal application deadline for our programs. We encourage your family to sign up as quickly as possible once you know your availability this summer to ensure we will still have space available in the program session of interest. Our first programs begin to fill around spring break. There are also early enrollment discounts available. Please click here to register for our email list to receive special offers and discounts about once per week. Discounts get smaller as camp approaches.

    How can I sign up for your email list?

    You can sign up for our email list on our homepage. In the top right corner, you will see a green rectangle that says “Join our email list.” Simply click to add your email and you will then receive updates about our programs, including special offers for our subscribers.

    What if I need to change my camper’s session after I’ve enrolled?

    Education Unlimited understands that sometimes plans can change unexpectedly and strives to support families with flexible scheduling options.

    For online programs, students may switch between open EU camps up until one-week before the start of their program at no additional fee. They may also cancel their program and receive a non-expiring camp credit towards a future camp. Within one week of the start of their camp, they will be eligible for a 50% camp credit.

    For in-person programs, Education Unlimited incurs several non-recoverable fees once a family is enrolled. Therefore, we offer families a full refund for camp cancelations that occur within 10 days of registering provided that their camp is at least 30 days away. After 10 days from registering or within 30 days of their camp, a refund is only possible if they purchased a Tuition Protection Plan at time of registration. Education Unlimited Families that have purchased the Change Protection Plan or Tuition Protection plan will receive a refund or credit for the full amount due per our refund policy. Families that have not purchased a protection plan, may still be eligible for a full or partial camp credit depending on the reason and time of their cancelation. Please see refund policy page for details..

    Will you be mailing me enrollment forms for my family to complete once we have registered for the program and paid our deposit?

    Our enrollment process is an electronic process through our website. Families currently enrolled in our programs may access their enrollment packets electronically by logging in to their parent portal accounts on our website and selecting “Camp Enrollment Forms”. A convenient link can also be found in your camp confirmation email. Forms take, on average, about 10 minutes to complete and do not require a doctor's visit.

    What is the supervision like for your programs?

    Our camps have an instructor-to-student ratio that averages about 1:12 over the course of the summer, but sometimes may go to 1:18 when we have an exceptionally strong instructor. There is an adult for about every ten campers at the program, and the staff generally reside in the same dormitory hallways as the students. At times, walking from the dorms to the dining hall or classes for instance, high school students may not be directly accompanied by an adult. However, our policy is that they must be in groups of at least three or more during those times. Middle school campers (grades 4-8) are usually required to walk with a staff member any time they venture outside the immediate proximity of the dorms and classroom areas. For our youngest campers, grades 4 and 5, we try to provide line of sight supervision during the daytime and when moving between buildings, but not when students use the bathroom facilities or are in the safety of their residence hall area.

    Fees & Payments

    What is the security deposit for?

    When you complete your enrollment forms, families enrolled in on-campus programs will provide a credit card authorization that allows EU to charge your card for any charges incurred at camp. This is a similar process to putting down a credit card for incidental charges or damage when checking into a hotel. Charges for lost keys, for damage to furniture or building structure will be levied against these deposits. Security deposits are not required for online camps.

    What does the residential tuition cost include?

    The residential tuition cost is all-inclusive of overnight accommodations in the university residence halls, meals in the campus dining halls, and all program materials. For camps 7 days or longer, students take a mid-camp excursion off-campus.

    When is payment due in full?

    You may choose to pay in full upon application or pay just the deposit amount when you apply. Payment is due in full 45 days prior to the program’s start date and 60 days prior for all College Tours. If you are applying for a program less than 45 days (60 days for College Tours) from the program start date, you have 7 days to complete payment and all enrollment paperwork from the time of application.

    Is there an initial deposit/fee for each program?

    Yes, for all camps this deposit is credited toward the cost of camp. It is not an additional fee. Families may also choose to pay in full upon application. Deposit amounts:
  • Camps priced under $2300 require a deposit of $795
  • Camps priced $2300 - $3500 require a deposit of $995
  • Camps priced over $3500 require a deposit of $1495
  • For families applying 30 or more days before the start of a program, the deposit (or full payment) is refundable for 10 days after application. In all other cases deposits are non-refundable unless the family has purchased a Tuition Protection Plan at time of application. Details about this program can be found here.

    Do you offer Tuition Assistance?

    Yes, the Education Unlimited Tuition Assistance Program provides partial tuition assistance awards to those who can demonstrate financial need. You may access more information about this program on our tuition assistance page.

    If my child decides not to attend their online session, would we get our money back or any kind of refund?

    If you need to cancel your online session, for any reason, within 10 days of registering, we will issue a full refund provided that the cancellation occurs a minimum of 21 days before the start of your camp session. If you need to make changes to your registration up until 7 days before the start of your virtual program, you will receive a 100% camp credit which may be applied towards any future EU program. If you make changes or cancel within 7 days of the start of your virtual program, you will receive a 50% credit towards any future EU program.

    If my child decided not to go, would we get our money back or any kind of refund?

    Education Unlimited incurs a number of unrecoverable costs once a student registers for an in-person program. Thus, a refund is possible only under the following circumstances: * The cancelation occurs within 10 days of registration AND more than 30 days before the start of the program. * The family has purchased a Tuition Protection Plan at time of registration. Cancelations with a Tuition Protection Plan will be eligible for refunds based on the terms of that plan. As all cancelations are by their nature unexpected, we strongly suggest all families purchase a protection plan.

    Families who have not purchased a protection plan, but need to cancel their sessions may still be eligible for a full or partial camp credit depending on the timing and reason for their cancelation. Full details can be found on our refund policy page.

    Campus Details

    How do you handle dietary restrictions?

    If special dining/dietary needs are required, Education Unlimited agrees to provide the appropriate dining hall manager’s contact information, so that the family may be in touch with the dining hall manager directly. Parent(s) must contact the campus directly regarding special dietary needs. Any agreement reached regarding dietary needs is solely between parent(s) and dining hall services, as Education Unlimited does not directly provide food service in the campus dining halls. In the past, campuses have been well equipped to address most common allergies and dietary restrictions. If you have specific concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will put you in touch with the appropriate people at the university.

    How do you handle medications on campus?

    If students will be bringing medication to camp, or have special medical needs, please indicate that on our medical form. As we are an academic program and utilize educational facilities with medical clinics and hospitals nearby, we do not have a nurse on site at our programs.
    In general, all non-rescue medications are stored in the camp office. Parents should send only the medications that the student needs at camp and has been regularly taking. Medications should be sent in their original bottles clearly marked with the students name and appropriate dosage. Students will go to the camp office at the appropriate times to self-administer their medications. Rescue medications such as inhalers and epi-pens should be kept with the student at all times. A second set of rescue medications should also be sent to camp to be stored in the camp office in case the student misplaces their set. We may make special accommodations outside of the policy, however, so please contact our office to discuss your individual situation.

    Do you offer assistance with transportation to and/or from the airport if my student is traveling without a family member or guardian?

    Yes, Education Unlimited offers a personalized Meet and Greet Airport Service for students needing assistance at the airport. Students utilizing our airport transportation service will be met by one of our teachers at the airport. Prior to camp, you will receive the name, photo and phone number of the teacher meeting the student to allow for easy communication. There is a designated airport for each particular campus, so please refer to our airport transportation assistance page for details. An additional Unaccompanied Minor Service may be added for students who need to be meet at their gate upon arrival. Students and staff will travel together in a professionally driven vehicle back to campus where staff can help students checkin and get settled.

    Who are your staff members?

    Our instructional staff members are highly qualified and are selected for their subject matter knowledge and enthusiasm for working with youth. Education Unlimited hires less than 1% of instructor applicants. In general instructors hold a masters degree or higher in their field and/or have significant industry or classroom experience teaching the age group. In some cases, such as with debate teachers, we may hire instructors who are undergraduates with unusually strong subject matter knowledge and experience. Our counselors, whose primary duties are to lead recreation activities and provide additional supervision, are generally entering their junior or senior year in college and studying the academic subjects being taught at the camp. We conduct a background check on every employee upon initial hire and on an annual basis thereafter.

    How many students are there maximum per class?

    Most classes have approximately twelve to eighteen students, but there are also full-camp lectures, projects, and events during camp that cause the class size to fluctuate according to activity.

    Where do the students stay on the campus?

    Overnight campers will live on the campus in Student Dormitories while at camp. A large majority of the rooms available while at camp are double rooms, meaning your camper would have one other same-sex camper sharing the dorm room. We do our best to accommodate all single room (no roommates) and triple room (three total persons) requests whenever possible. The dorms are quite secure. You must have a room key to gain access to any of the outer doors of the dormitory, as well as once inside the building.
    The dorm floors are separated by sex and same-sex camp staff members reside on the floors with the campers to provide evening supervision as well as being available throughout the night in the event of an emergency. The Camp Director and Assistant Director also remain on site in the dormitory for the duration of camp. Roll calls are taken each morning, before each meal begins, and before each class/activity begins. We also do two separate checks each evening. After room check is completed, we ask campers not to leave their rooms for the remainder of the evening for any reason other than emergencies or for necessary restroom visits on their floor.

    Can friends request to be roommates or request certain room types (doubles, triples, etc)?

    Yes, students of the same gender may make a mutual request in the parent portal on the pre-camp 'to do list' and we will do our best to accommodate the request. These requests need to be mutual, and need to be received prior to the preparation of the housing list for the camp in question, usually 2 weeks before camp starts. If there are more than two students requesting each other we will do our best to room them together or near each other, but not all dormitories have rooms larger than doubles. There is no co-ed room sharing option for siblings of different genders because we house our male and female campers in separate areas of the dormitories. We are assigned rooms at the pleasure of each campus, and no particular room configuration can be promised. Some campuses have triples and quads for a few of their rooms, and we may or may not be assigned those rooms. In summary, no particular rooming arrangement can be promised other than that we will do our very best to place all requests by two friends in a double room together, and this can almost always be arranged, if the requests are both in on time and before the housing list is submitted. Any other arrangements would need to be approved in writing by the Director of Admissions to be considered guaranteed.

    Is there a suggested packing list available for campers?

    A suggested packing list can be found in the Parent Portal. Please note that with the exception of an electronic device with dedicated keyboard (such as a Chromebook or laptop) no special supplies are needed -- just casual clothes, personal items and basic school supplies. Students attending a camp at Stanford will need to bring their own bedding for an XL twin sized bed; other campuses provide linens and a basic towel. Stanford does offer students the option to rent a bedding pack for a fee.

    Do I need to send spending money?

    While most materials and meals necessary for participation in the program are provided, some students choose to purchase personal items, and/or souvenirs. Additionally, students at camps 6 nights or longer will go on an off-campus excursion and may be responsible for purchasing one meal a week during an excursion ($15-$20 should be more than enough for this). While spending habits can vary wildly by student, most students find that sending $100 with their child is more than enough per week.

    What time is the check-in on the first day of camp? Where do I go on the campus?

    For almost all high school camps, check-in is between 3pm and 4pm on the first day of camp and checkout is at noon on the last day of camp. For almost all middle school and elementary school programs checkin is between 3pm and 5pm on the first day of camp and checkout is at 5pm on the final day. Families should check their parent portals for their exact checkin times. The exact checkin location and directions will be emailed to families about 6-weeks before camp.

    What happens on the weekends?

    For most camps check-in is on Sunday afternoon and checkout is on Friday. or Saturday, therefore most camps are not in session over the weekend. For two-week camps, students will still have classes over the weekend, but the schedule will be lighter allowing for time to sleep in etc. We will take mid-week study break excursions on a weekday evening (usually Wednesday) when excursion sites tend to be less crowded.

    Can we visit them at camp as long as we don't disrupt the class? Can we visit them at the dorm?

    If arrangements are made in advance, parents may make brief visits to their children during camp, though not during class time so there is not a disruption to the other campers. Visits or arrangements to pick up your camper for a meal can be coordinated with the camp director. On the first day of camp, parents and family members are welcome to help their children move into the dorm room. Many of our programs host a final presentation of the work they’ve done over the week on the final morning of the program (except for Test Prep and College Tour programs).